Friday 4 January 2013

We have begun to do our product testing. The people we have approached so far are Ms serene chiam, Mr Aaron Yuen, Mrs Choo, as well as Ms Lee Hui Bee

We have thus made some adjustments based on their recommendations.

Here is the newly added definitions of risks posed by hazards.
The checkboxes you see is a relatively new function we added to indicated that the hazard has already been chosen; as there can be more than one hazard for each activity.

Thermal hazard

Drowning hazard

Thermal environment hazard

Ergonomical hazard

Here is our new fangled User input page

Our re-formatted Available controls for hazards

The location
This pop-up will appear to instruct the user on the format to input the information should there be more than one location

We trust that these improvements made should enable to product to be more user-friendly as well as more convenient for the user.

We will be debugging and beginning on our report.

Friday 21 December 2012

After our MST, we resumed completing our program.

Through more research and debate, we have finalized our hazards list as well as their respective definitions for our program. Our hazards list encompasses near everything a personnel might face.

Here is our finalized hazards list.

Note the light blue words? as mentioned in earlier posts, these are the pop-up definitions.

here are pictures showing the amount of programming we had to do for one user activity

Before finishing our product, all that is left is to do some debugging

Thursday 29 November 2012

Whilst the research for the hazards and controls is still ongoing, we have decided to attempt to progress further with our userforms.
Another activity has been added for testing, as we realized that to test one activity at a time is a little tedious.

MST week~

Thursday 15 November 2012

First of, let's start this post of with some closure with regards to the mid-point review.

The feedback from the panel was quite positive ! =D
We even received some tips and feedback from them about certain things to change such as the classification of risk level in the final "printable" version.

Now, the past week went by quickly as we were rushing to expand our hazards list and its respective controls.

We have added some new ones such as
thermal hazards- for extreme surface temperature,
and ergonomical hazard- for awkward postures relating to musculoskeletal disorders. (apparently, its an "in" thing now)
Also, we have decided to change some definitions in the current hazards list. Some definitions, we felt inappropriate after conducting further research and thus had to be edited.
An example would be this electrical hazard definition as seen above.

The research is still going on and we hope to complete the hazards and the controls as soon as possible so as  to be able to start completing the other components of our form.
Thats it for now.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Our mid-point review was yesterday. It went quite well, we managed to clear up the bugs in the userform so the demonstration went quite smoothly.
The powerpoint was a short one, as we focused mainly on the demonstration to show the potential of our program.
The Q&A was a bit bumpy, there were a couple of questions we werent able to answer quickly enough and hesitated a little, such as the hierarchy of risk control.

Well, here is the hierarchy.
We learn from mistakes and can regurgitate this without fail now. lol

Waiting for the general feedback from the panel regarding our presentation.

But for now,
back to fyp~

Thursday 18 October 2012

We are in preparation for the mid-point review here. As mentioned a few posts back, while we have decided to cease activity on the excel spreadsheet and focus more on the userform instead, some things still had to be touched up so that it can be presented as our initial work for the mid point review.

Now, our excel spreadsheet, albeit having its limitations, is in presentable shape. As such, we can now focus much more of our time on the userform here.

As the mid-point review is just around the corner, we have to rush to finish the steps for at least one activity to be presented to the panel, and adjust a few bugs and error messages we got along the way and also check for any typos.

here are some screenshots of where our userform stands now.

This is the start page

As you can see, we have an extremely limited amount of hazards for now, as time is short and we dont have enough of it to complete the list before the mid point review.

 So is the activity. As of now, only one activity (tester) can be completed. We will add in more. This is once again, for demonstration purposes.
The user info page

Wish us all the best for our mid-point review!
More updates after