Friday 4 January 2013

We have begun to do our product testing. The people we have approached so far are Ms serene chiam, Mr Aaron Yuen, Mrs Choo, as well as Ms Lee Hui Bee

We have thus made some adjustments based on their recommendations.

Here is the newly added definitions of risks posed by hazards.
The checkboxes you see is a relatively new function we added to indicated that the hazard has already been chosen; as there can be more than one hazard for each activity.

Thermal hazard

Drowning hazard

Thermal environment hazard

Ergonomical hazard

Here is our new fangled User input page

Our re-formatted Available controls for hazards

The location
This pop-up will appear to instruct the user on the format to input the information should there be more than one location

We trust that these improvements made should enable to product to be more user-friendly as well as more convenient for the user.

We will be debugging and beginning on our report.