Friday 15 June 2012

Within the past 2 weeks, we have completed our critical report as well as a portion of our research on both RA and excel.
Thee  Report criticized was: Development of Excel-based System Interface for Biology (DCHE 0816)
We found this to be an insight on the progress and end result of our fyp in the next year as well as how we think a good report should be structured.
In addition we have conducted research on our microsoft excel via books we have found.
The step by step guide in the books have assisted us in acheiving great milestones in this project.

So far, we have made a good start in excel.
From applying what we have learnt so far, the main spreadsheet for risk assessment has been completed and we have attempted in applying excel formulas such as VLOOKUP and even creating a user friendly drop down list we can use.

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