Thursday 4 October 2012

An update on our excel spreadsheet. This is the final layout we will be using during our presentation for the midpoint review.
Here are a few images of the data entry page

This is the layout of the activity and hazard identification part of our risk assessment activity

There is a new function that we have added allowing the user to choose the number of hazards associated with a particularly activity. When a number is entered into the box as shown below, a corresponding number of blank rows will appear to allow the user to input their different hazards.

Finally the review page is properly linked with our data entry.

E.g. 2 hazards are chosen in the data entry page for an activity. The green arrow shows that it is still the same activity and that 2 hazards are under it. The red arrow shows that a note will be given at the side of the page to show the number of hazards associated with the given activity. When printing of the review page, the note is not included. That is because the dotted lines show the boundaries for one printed page. 

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